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Kamis, 01 Maret 2012


Social Rehabilitation

    The term rehabilitation - Latin - habilis - capable of
    Literally rehab - enables returning / make able to return
    So implicitly the TDP of a initial state, a person has had the ability and disability
    At first the only true rehabilitation ut ill-condition but the condition is congenital inability to reply later.
    The term comes from the rehabilitation of the legislation of the church / civil / medieval feudal society should
    Rehabilitation of public scr interpreted as a recovery / repair / restoration of the king / nobles lost / deleted
    The development and rehabilitation mean recovery / repair the good name (reputation) a person
    In the modern social thought, the notion of rehabilitation - recovery of physical and mental capacity to within a previous state.
    Another opinion, rehabilitation includes "habilitas" - ill just recovery, ttp attainment of independence, self-care and employment potential, eg for people who have disabilities from birth
    The term rehabilitation is widely used business dg loose housing / residential
    So, there have been irregularities Because the use of the term rehabilitation discrepant again dg intrinsic meaning.
    The term rehabilitation is used ut beyond the target man and man.
    The mention of rehabilitation for children with disabilities, housing repair innate and unjustified.
    The reason for the rehabilitation of the disabled child becomes ill morbidly heals defects, but only an attempt to develop the potential that still exists. Ut it fits the term "empowerment" or "reinforcement".
    "Renovation" which term is right for slum improvement.
    The concept of rehabilitation within the system of social kesj pelay
    Rehab - one of the functions of the social welfare system pelay, three other functions of preventive, promotive and remedial
    Rehabilitation means of healing for people with social problems - this function is mostly done by a clinical social worker
    The goal, make a person aware of the potential and provide a means of realizing ut / reach potential TSB.
    Implementation, rehabilitation refers to a combination of disciplines, techniques and special facilities - the physical, psychological, counseling, job skills, training and job placement
    Ministry of Social Rehabilitation uses the term refers to the UPT functions, such as Panti rehab disability, mental disability, juvenile rehab gym, social rehab victims of narcotics, etc..
    Drs. Soetarso, MSW (1980), "social kesej rehab or exercise the functions of healing". Thus, those who rehab addressed to physical disability, emotional and social.
    Rehab - a process refungsional and development that allows people with problems carrying out its social function within the life of society should (Kepmensos Republic of. 07/HUK/KBP/II/1984.
    Rehab mrp process of restoration an eye out people who have handicaps, so that still exist potensi2 expandable into a fully functioning physical, mental, social, vocational and economic (Alan, W. Scott, 1958)
    Rehab mrp way of recovery for people with disabilities, allows for interchangeable use scr optimal ability, whether physical, mental, social and economic (Dr. Henry Kesser)
    Rehab a series of coordinated efforts, including upaya2 medical, social, educational ut train a person to achieve their highest possible functional level (WHO)
    Rehab anything physical, psychosocial adjustment and vocational training, ut conduct business as a social function and increase the capacity of adjustment to the maximum as well as client scr mempesiapkan physical, mental, social, and vocational optimal ut a life which, in keeping with its pros and cons (LE Hensie and RJ Campbell)
    Rehab recreation and development process that allows people with disabilities able to perform within a reasonable scr social fungsi2 mobi life.
    Note: there is a tendency of the above definition, when people speak of attention devoted to the rehabilitation of disabled people or people who have disabilities.

Type of rehabilitation

    Medical rehabilitation efforts to restore the ability of patients through the health services, provision of assistive devices, and physiological therapeutics. Within the context of public hospital services furnished medical psychologists and social workers. Psychiatric hospital psychiatric services, social workers and psychologists.
    Rehab planting efforts and educational development of intellectual potential of students, especially the special school setting A (handicapped blind), B (Disability impaired), C (mental disability), D (disability).

    Vocational rehabilitation (workmanship) efforts to provide job skills provision allows for clients to have ut readiness in society should become economically independent.
    Social rehabilitation efforts aimed at integrating ut a person into the life of society should return to those ways to help families adjust to dg, mobi, and employment. Someone dg society should integrate interchangeable if they have the physical ability, mental, and social and ut are given the opportunity to participate.

Targets Social Rehab Program

The term social rehabilitation of ill longer confined within the context of disability, but on orang2 pathological social problems / social disease.

The concept of disability rehab ill again in keeping with this concept of social krn thick dg medical approaches.

All the social ills of human behavior which contravene, violate common norms and customs integrated or morbidly dg common behavior.

Social problems as well as pathological called behavioral deviations dr common feature of many people.

Deviation includes the deviation of individual, situational, and systematic.

    Deviation of individual mrp personal symptoms caused by ciri2 individuals who come from anomali2 (law saving memory, abnormal), the variation of biological, psychological abnormality which the hereditary nature. Eg exceptional child, a genius, a fanatic, ediot, morbidly inhumane, psychotic individual.
    Situational deviation linked dg situational forces influence social / outside the individual, so that an individual had to break rules or formal legal norm.
    Deviation of the systematic or organized is a sub culture or behavior which is accompanied dg special social organization, formal status, peranan2, value2, a sense of pride, a certain moral norms and who are all different dg general situation.

Psychosocial Aspects of Rehabilitation

Aspects of psychosocial rehab v described by Charles Zastrow as a reaction to the disabled community reaction to an eye and an eye disability is a disability.

v Emotional reactions disabilities mrp psychological aspects of rehabilitation.

mobi an eye defect reaction v mrp social aspects of rehabilitation.

Elisabeth Kubler Ross in his book "On Death and Dying" suggests five stages of death.

    Stage 1: Denial (denial) "No, Not me". Klein and his family is difficult to admit that they have a disability.
    Phase 2: The Rage and Anger (upset and angry) - Why me? Clients and their families dislike the fact that an eye of others remain in good shape, while they are disabled.
    Stage 3: Bargaining (bid) - Yes, me but ... "in this stage of the client and his family began to accept the existence of the disability, ttp will offer a variety of things.
    Stage 4: Depression - yes, me. This stage the client and the family has stopped denying the existence of the disability. Anger has subsided and again ill try to bargain. They recognized the need to make changes in their lives, they ttp blm ready. They tend to be thinking about disability and self-blame.
    Stage 5: Acceptance - "I have a problem, but it'sall right, I can ....". The first time the client and his family tried to reduce the impact of the disability. Their attitude now "I can do it", there is hope.

Rehabilitation plan at this stage are presented interchangeable, although there are fears and concerns. Clients begin to have the motivation to do what cognizable ut they do ut restore his life.

    If a client reaches this stage, then they are ready to be involved within the rehabilitation program.
    Social Aspects of Rehabilitation
    Beauty / perfection of the body who scored high on the mobi
    Physical Ketidakindahan as an unfavorable reply.
    As a result orang2 "disable" kadang2 pitied as being less fortunate and who need to be sympathetic.
    In fact orang2 dislike defects treated differently socially.
    Means of Social Rehablilitasi
    (Tools of rehabilitation)


        The program usually includes a plan / procedure area which is made by an individual / group.
        Program scope could be broad (national) and can be narrow (local).
        Implementing the program could be the government (public) can also be private (private).
        Objectives of the program can focus on one type of social problems or social problems which the group more widely.
        Operational practices program: provision of services, information and publicity, fundraising, research, education, etc..

    Services (Services)

Adl service which every useful work that can not be touched or not a form of goods.

In the field of rehabilitation, services adl application of a combination of talent and the methods which are generally professional or technical.


Scr hrs rehabilitation program implemented by a variety of integrated disciplines.

    Facilities (hospitals, rehabilitation centers, Sheltered workshops, job training centers, etc.).

Stages of Social Rehabilitation

    The initial approach
        Orientation and consultation:

1) Purpose: get the support and ease of

2) Activities: data collection, submission of program plans, resource potential and feasibility analysis, consultation and coordination, observation.


1) Objective: to know and understand the problem of potential clients

2) Activities: recording name, age, gender, grouping problems, etc..

        Purpose: raise awareness of prospective clients and their families get the services ut.
        Activities: provide motivation.
        Purpose: set according to the requirements of prospective clients
        Activity: a review of administrative completeness.

1) Purpose: get the data / information in an objective prospective clients.

2) Activities: checking condition, providing identification numbers, the determination of "residence".

    Disclosure and understanding of the problem (assessment):

1) Objective: to understand the client's objective conditions, interests, talents, set the nail on the service program.

2) Activities: a survey of physical, psychological, social, skill level and knowledge.

    Placement in the program:

1) Purpose: to determine the type of service

2) Activities: revalidasi data, information on job selection, vocational assessment, court cases, etc..

    Social counseling and skills
        BIMB physical and mental:

1) Objective: foster devotion, willingness and ability to drive ut restore self-esteem, confidence and emotional stability.

2) Activities: BIMB citizenship, health, sports, religion, mental, psychological, education, discipline, etc..

        Social BIMB:

1) Objective: foster awareness and social responsibility and self-adjustment

2) Activities: social BIMB individual, group, community and parent training and client relations.

c. BIMB job skills:

1) Objectives: The client has the job skills and business

2) Activity: create an atmosphere of work and skills training.

    Resocialization phase
        BIMB on community preparedness

1) Objective: foster the ability to integrate dg ut mobi.

2) Activities: evaluation of an eye the development of client

        BIMB help of stimulants

1) Objective: provide equipment

2) Activities: The preparation of capital assistance / equipment.

        Purpose: Putting the client in the field of business / employment
        Activities: adm preparation, contact family dg, dg contact the world of work.
    Further guidance
        BIMB increased life bermasy

1) Purpose: to establish the ability to integrate dg ut mobi

2) Activities: bim sisoal individual / group

        Business development assistance / skills

1) Purpose: to establish business / employment

2) Activities: skills training, marketing training, etc..

Models of social rehabilitation

    Social rehabilitation is seen as the effort aimed at integrating people with the problem ut into the life of society should dg dg how to help him adjust to family, community and work.
    Disabled dg society should integrate the issue retrievable if he has the physical ability, mental and social as well as be given the opportunity ut contribute and participate.
    The social rehabilitation of social service activities through a comprehensive and integrated approach to physical, mental, and social order of the problem interchangeable implement optimal social function scr.

Efforts which should be viewed within the social rehabilitation:

    Social assistance to people with problems, family and mobi.
    Fulfillment of basic needs (food, clothing, shelter, health, education, employment).
    Provision of skills
    The provision of assistance and coaching information.

Model of social rehabilitation services

ü Institutional Based Rehabilitation (IBR), a system of social rehabilitation services dg placing of the problem within a particular institution.

ü Extra-Institutional Based Rehabilitation, a service system dg placing people with problems on families and communities.

ü Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR), a model who acts performed at the level of community awareness dg dg society should use the resources and potential.

Important Elemen2 within RBM

    Fully involve the role of family and society should in its environment.
    The participation of society should start from the planning, implementation, evaluation.
    Keeping there is a change in attitude toward the attitude which society should be more concerned.
    Resource mobilization and dg society should take into account the potential social, economic, cultural, geographic, demographic, and people with problems.

Key to the success of independence within the social rehabilitation

    Positive self-concept which

    Thoughts and feelings of who he is?
    Understanding intellectually and emotionally that he has the potential for self-reliant and self-sufficiency ut

So that the client has a positive self-concept:

    Guidance allows for clients to acknowledge and accept the fact
    Recommend and engage clients in activities that briefly made it difficult for him
    Guided clients involved in social activities
    Facilitation of client or associate dg group of people who have similar problems (role model)
    Instill the concept that he too can help and be useful to others.

2. Willingness to learn ut (ut clients take advantage of push from other senses still remaining on him).

3. Ut a willingness to learn to overcome negative attitudes mobi.

Some methods in the social rehabilitation

These methods are associated with the main approaches within the process of an eye relief of individuals, families and small groups.

    Conjoint Family Treatment (healing the family as a whole). Family system and individual members mrp target changes. Inconvenience and hardship experienced by the client or other family members who will be affected eye out scr whole family system. Social workers act as a model which is able to communicate well scr dg family members. The role of each family investigated within a chronology of life, families are encouraged to express discomfort with each other.

    Crisis Intervention (crisis intervention). This method is used in crisis situations. The goal is to diminish the influence of an event which suppress and destroy nature. Help mobilize kemampuan2 real or psychological nature which is hidden as well as social sumber2 dr orang2 directly involved.
    Behavior Therapy (healing behavior). Contains a systematic penarapan prinsip2 ut learning theory of behavior change goals which its cure. Unsur2nya: (1) an inventory of client problems, (2) creation of a contract, (3) details of the problem, (4) determination of data, (5) reinforcement, (6) goal setting changes, (7) healing.

    Treatment milieu (recovery environment). The creation of a learning environment using a systematic dg kejadian2 sehari2 which took place within the life. ut as a means of teaching the desired behavior. Used, among other anak2 ut who have emotional disorders, delinquent, psychiatric patients, children / adults who suffer from memory.
    Parental Education (parental education). Giving power to the parents look on your child's behavior and developing parenting keterampilan2 ut. Ingredients of group discussions, short exercises, self-study system. Discussions focused on: how to listen, adjust behavior / game, will keasadaran sex, sibling rivalry and conflict, development of responsibility and discipline.

    Activity Group Therapy (healing through group activities). The goal is to give the client an opportunity to develop and improve relations ut dg ut create containers distribute the tension, anxiety, scr spontaneously perform actions based on the presence teman2nya perasaaa2. Environmental groups are set ut satisfying substitute, providing an eye channel afgression, develop self-esteem, remove barriers ut expression, forming self-restraint in front of others.

    Group Counseling (counseling group). Purpose: methods of inter-personal assistance to use small groups as a means by which individu2 interchangeable ut activities to achieve the purpose of education, employment and personal growth. Members of the group is limited 8-12 org selected on the basis of equality needs to learn. Counseling groups encourage businesses to work ut the group members give each other assistance to joint problem solving.

    Guided Group Interaction (a guided group interaction). Tujun: mrp guided group interaction is a method of diversion value2 and objectives. Guided group interaction techniques are based on assumptions regarding fungsi2 youth group. Peer group act (1) as a means of reinforcing social value2 planting positive reply, (2) impose equality norma2 group, (3) provides status and gender identification to the group.

    Play therapy (healing through the game). The aim of using the situation as child's play facilities and targeted behavior change. Retrievable using the activities of social workers who had ill-structured directed to the reply. The social worker uses interchangeable game pertemuan2 ut diagnostic purposes in order to observe such hal2 relasi2, the scope of attention, the child's interest, the direction of aggression, fantasy, self-perception of an eye.

    Reality therapy (healing a reality). Ut the purpose of helping people to face reality and meet the basic kebutuhan2 cara2 socially acceptable. Provide a means of healing a person's true interchangeable learn:

a) Facing the truth and accept responsibility for his behavior with respect.

b) Responsibility is defined as the ability to meet its own kebutuhan2 without disturbing others.

c) Distinguish between who is right and wrong.

Social worker who does hrs therapy has a powerful personality, mature and warmth within it allows for interchangeable relate scr involved both client dg dn guide clients to make himself feel worthy. Workers unable to resist an eye hrs sosialpun client behavior off-responsible.

    Self-Help Group (kelompok2 self-help). The aim ut help group members to help each other within a shared problem-solving efforts (eg, alcoholism, drug addiction, single parent families, homosexuals, etc.). Its main objectives: (1) scr changes through increased awareness of individual, social peranan2 repairs, adjustments norma2 eye out). (2) social change (change norma2 kemasy through education, outreach, lobbying, etc.). Strategy and general tehnik2 dr self help groups are: (1) gives the feeling accepted, (2) about providing moral support, (3) provide an opportunity for members to express their masalah2, (4) about providing role model2 captured members of the group who managed to dr, ( 5) provide an opportunity ut member in charge, (6) about providing an opportunity for members to make contact dg other groups.

    Social Case Work (Social Guidance individual). The objective method was developed which help ut individu2 and keluarga2 to help solve social problems and interchangeable achieve adequate levels within which the implementation of social peranan2. Methods within this approach include: 1) problem-solving approach, 2) psychosocial approach, 3) behavioral approaches, 4) a functional approach.

Stages of aid within social work

    Phase determination of service needs
        Goals: identifying the needs of service

            Ut clients obtain acceptable service
            Client transferred to another service
            Morbidly services required

        Social Worker Activities:

Determination of issue

Determination of need

Determining the location of service

Strengthening the client's decision

Explanation of the nature of the service tg

Preparation of the role

Provision of services.


    In-depth understanding about the source of the society should
    Personal Kontak2 alternative to the provision of services.


        Goal: a process involving the social worker client dg ut condition2 dig physical, psychological, and social irritant.
        Activities of social workers:

Gather and understand information:

a) The client's ability to function physically scr

b) The client's ability to function psychologically scr

c) The client's ability to function socially scr

d) The condition of the client environment.

Preparation of the diagnostic statement:

a) The client's problem that causes the client asked for help

b) Summary information biopsychosocial cultural

c) Summary of diagnosis

d) Recommendation tentative

e) consultation meeting / discussion of the case.

        Sources: ut to obtain information, through:

a) a direct interview

b) home visits

c) The establishment of the diagnosis

d) The investigation of psychiatric, psychological and physical

e) contact Penciaptaan dg related parties

f) Observation.

    Determination Goal2 changes:
        Purpose of determining specific targets for change

            Problems are associated with the direct client
            Ut is intended to reduce the pressure experienced by the client
            Dpt transferred to the improvement of relations outside assistance
            Dg is closely related to client behavior
            Hasil2nya interchangeable evaluated.

        Activities of social workers

ü Review of an eye masalah2 repeatedly caused clients who ask for help

ü Determination scr whole constellation of problems

ü Development of level of problem

ü Pemerincian the desired end state.


Dr who has collected the information previously tahap2

    The selection of social recovery plan
        Development of case plan:

ü social healing methods in use

ü indirect aid procedures in use

ü an additional service which duperlukan

        Activities of social workers

            The determination of who the client actually
            Determination of the nature of problems and goals change
            Determination of the characteristics of the client learn


            Pelayanan2 aid understanding of which alternative mrp
            Understanding of the latest developments within the method of providing assistance

    Creation of employment agreements

    Statement of intent tg client and social worker
    Determination of the central objectives of aid
    Determination of the basis for the evaluation
    Preparation of employment agreements (objectives, methods, client expectations, hopes PS, time and place)
    Dg discussion ut clients gain commitment
    Recapitulation of basic Goal2

        Activities of social workers


ü The literature on those related to behavior

ü Creativity social worker

    Stabilization of social healing

v Implementation of case plan

v embodiment Goal2 changes

v Tugas2 within social healing (individual meetings, group, family interviews)

    Activities of social workers

        Scr direct aid procedure (leading the group, healing meetings with all the members of the family, individual counseling)
        Held a third-party kontak2 dg ut client's interests
        Held records and understanding about the progress achieved which
        Understand new information about life returning clients.


Additional support services

Sumber2 support network within the client's life.


Goal2 measurement purposes the change in the client.

Activities of social workers

    i. Tabulation and measurement of behavior change
    ii. Exploration perasaan2 clients about changes in his behavior
    iii. Understanding the whole process of assistance.


    Literature about the behavior of those related to measurement and evaluation.
    Termination and further pembinaa
    Purpose of maintaining the ongoing transition from the relation dg social workers to help supporter sumber2 within mobi.
    Activities of social workers
        Determination of support services within society should
        Further planning guidance
        Reconstruction relation bantua: beginning, middle and end
        Ut support the client's ability to face life without the help of social workers.
            Pelayanan2 in the community; medical, social, korekasional
            Client's own self.
Goal2 measurement purposes the change in the client.

Activities of social workers
   i. Tabulation and measurement of behavior change
     ii. Exploration perasaan2 clients about changes in his behavior
     iii. Understanding the whole process of assistance.

 Literature about the behavior of those related to measurement and evaluation.
     Termination and further pembinaa
     Purpose of maintaining the ongoing transition from the relation dg social workers to help supporter sumber2 within mobi.
     Activities of social workers
         Determination of support services within society should
         Further planning guidance
         Reconstruction relation bantua: beginning, middle and end
         Ut support the client's ability to face life without the help of social workers.
             Pelayanan2 in the community; medical, social, korekasional
             Client's own self.

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